VProf. Achim Mohné: Digital détournements - Algorithmen und parasitäre Strategien als Mittel der Kunst

VProf. Achim Mohné: Digital détournements - Algorithmen und parasitäre Strategien als Mittel der Kunst

02.02.2022 / 18:00 - 20:00

The so called „fine arts“ and their presentation have expanded and changed as a result of the fast developments in digitization. The classic studio is no longer the sole "place of production", and only fractions of artistic reception take place in museums and galleries. Today, the Internet, virtual globes or social networks serve as sources of material for artists and are also new forms of "venues" for arts. New artistic materials and production processes as well as expanded distribution techniques and reception channels are shaping the spatial and temporal reception of art (3D printing, robotics, AR, VR, Mozilla Hubs, Instagram). Digital forms of presentation stand as works of their own. At the latest since the current global pandemic, the "telematic society" predicted by Vilém Flusser as early as the 1980s has become reality. In addition to current artistic positions and his own works, Achim Mohné will present projects by the artist group "Darktaxa", which exemplify these artistic methods.


Achim Mohné works with time-based media, installation, performance, 3D, public intervention, computer, internet, and sound, which he investigates at the interface of apparatus, interface, software, action, and intermediality. In his works, the so called new media are reduced to a "poetry of the apparative." In his photo-based works, he deals with the function of images within their digital immateriality and virtual corporeality in the context of a socio-critical discourse, which can be understood as a link of social, interdisciplinary, and intermedial acts. After studying photography at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen, Mohné completed his postgradual studies in 1997 with Jürgen Klauke and Valie Export at the KHM Academy of Media Arts in Cologne. He received teaching assignments and guest professorships at the Kunstakademie Münster, Folkwang University of the Arts Essen, Indiana University, Bloomington, among others, and taught photography and new media as well as "3D Modeling/3D Printing" at ETH Zurich from 2013-2020, where he most recently headed 3D research at the Department for Art and Architecture. Since the winter semester of 2021, he holds a professorship for photography (in deputation) at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts.