Eine Schwarzweißfotografie von Roman Wilhelm

Roman Wilhelm: Multilingual typography – a Political and Design-Specific Challenge

08.12.2021 / 18:00 - 20:00

Location: Dortmund (Digital Lecture)

Lecture Language: English

Link: https://fh-dortmund.webex.com/meet/an.huef 


Multilingual typography – a political and design-specific challenge

Although multilingual media seem like a rather contemporary term at first glance, they have marginally appeared in the context of many ancient cultures. We meet them wherever speakers of different languages and members of different cultures or communities are publicly addressed to by one and the same governmental institution, as well as in situations of multilateral communication—inclusion and discrimination are often difficult to separate. Besides an overview of the phenomenon, we will take a look at the mechanisms and practical design problems of multilingual typography with a partial focus on the world of Chinese chatacters.


Roman studied visual communication at Burg Giebichenstein Halle University of Art and Design and typeface design at the Leipzig Academy of Visual Arts. He was a member of the Multilingual Typography Research Group led by Prof. Ruedi Baur at Zurich University of the Arts. A fluent Chinese speaker, he has spent lots of his professional life in Asia. In 2018 and 2019, he was a substitute professor of typography at Braunschweig University of Arts. Right now he works as an information designer at the German Institute of Economic Research (DIW Berlin) besides teaching typography at Berlin University of the Arts.

Website: http://www.roman946.de



RomanType Foundry


Hong Kong Street Face

Video on Chinese type development



My new song/visual on Youtube
