Ingmar Nolting


Ing­mar Björn Nol­ting (1995) stu­dies pho­to­gra­phy at the Uni­ver­sity of App­lied Sci­en­ces and Arts Dort­mund, Ger­many. His work focu­ses on long-term docu­men­tary photo-essays mainly dea­ling with social and socio­lo­gi­cal issues. With a slo­wer approach to his work pro­cess, he tries to under­stand how his prot­ago­nists think, feel and inter­act with each other, to absorb and under­stand what makes their lives. Ing­mar is a mem­ber of DOCKS Collec­tive. Ingmar’s work has been publis­hed in STERN, Brand Eins, ZEIT Cam­pus, SZ Fami­lie, Nido, ZEIT Online, Spie­gel Online, PDNedu, …