flora&faunavisions (Berlin)

Ringvorlesung dESIGN12+ #14: Milena Mayer // flora&faunavisions (Berlin)

16.01.2024 / 15:00

MOP2, Aula Design

moderated by Prof. Roger Walk

Milena Mayer is an art director and motion designer in Berlin. She focuses on creating linear and non-linear content for film and media productions.

She holds degrees in communication design (B.A.), information design (M.A.), and film and media at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in motion design (Dipl.).

Due to her preference for combining artistic and technical elements, her focus is mainly on expanding digital, narrative spaces and blurring the physical and virtual boundaries.

She has worked both freelance and full-time for film productions, institutions, and agencies. She has been part of the flora&faunavisions design team since 2020 and has worked on various projects ranging from music videos and multimedia installations to immersive, interactive audiovisual productions.