MOP2, Aula Design
moderated by Prof. Prof. h.c. Dirk Gebhardt (Dekan)
“Design as Attitude - Fields of Action Beyond the Commercial”
Prof. Ulrike Brückner and Prof. Dr. Bianca Herlo present their latest book. In it, the two design researchers discuss how designers are opening up new fields of action beyond the commercial. Using countless examples from social design, free art projects, protest actions, and cooperative initiatives, they show that design is much more than websites and advertising, editorials and aesthetics. When design no longer sees itself exclusively as a service, it can be a powerful tool in shaping politics and society, our world, and how we live with each other.
“This book makes you want to get involved, break new ground, and put your creative energy not only at the service of your clients but also to start creative interventions, give shape to protest, tackle a social design project, or launch a neighborhood initiative together with like-minded people. If not us creatives, who could provide the impetus to think anew? And there can be no doubt that old ways of thinking have led us to a dead end...”
Text: Verlag Hermann Schmidt
*) Book copies can be purchased on-site after the lecture (€ 35).
More at:
A report on “NICE lab 50/50 – Summer School Nairobi 2024”:
50/50 means sharing something equally, for example, in a deal, a sale, or a profit. In our summer school, we thought of the phrase in relation to our everyday lives. What everyday stories does 50/50 tell? NICE Lab 50/50 is a workshop project format at the interface of international education and cultural networking. The NICE Lab 50/50 involved young art and creative professionals with a self-taught background from Vivandani, Nairobi, as well as students from the universities of TUK-Nairobi, Kenya, and UP-Pretoria, South Africa, and the FH Dortmund, Germany. The material produced in the workshops was used to create a magazine, two A5 notebooks, various postcards, and pins, all packed in a typical Kenyan shopping bag.
*) 10 NICE bags, various postcards, and pins will be given away at the end of the lecture series!
More about the project at: