Portrait - Prof. Dr. Dr. Rudolf T. Inderst

dESIGN12+ #11: Prof. Dr. Dr. Rudolf T. Inderst (IU München)

25.01.2023 / 18:00

“Between Screenshot and Staging: In-Game-Photography”

on Wednesday, January 25th, 2023, 18:00
per Webex online only
Link https://fh-dortmund.webex.com/meet/roger.walk 
moderated by Prof. Roger Walk

Numerous contemporary digital games today have a so-called photo mode as a feature, with the help of which players can take or stage pictures of their game activities. This exciting field - called 'in-game photography' - has developed rapidly in recent years and will be discussed in the lecture from a historical, artistic, but also legal and marketing point of view using numerous examples. 

About our speaker:

Prof. Dr. Dr. Rudolf T. Inderst is a Professor of Game Design in Munich. His main research focus is on the cultural and socio-critical negotiation of the subject of games and public relations, with a particular focus on game community building and management.

In addition to his work as head of the department for digital games at nahaufnahmen.ch, he has been responsible for the PR, social media, and community management of numerous national and international clients in the computer games, consumer electronics, and automotive industries. He regularly publishes and speaks at conferences and panels.