Re:vue 2023

Re:vue 2023 is presenting current works from the master’s program Photographic Studies of the Dortmund University for Applied Sciences and Arts – six in the exhibition at Galerie Huit, eight during a nightly screening on the evening of the Vernissage. The photographic positions being shown are conceptual as well as documentary, artistic just as applied and represent the variousness and heterogeneity of the theoretical and practical approaches to photography being taught in Dortmund. Just like in the past years, the exhibition will be accompanied by participatory interventions by photo/dialogues. 



Exhibition daily 11:00-13:00 & 14:00-19:00 
Vernissage of exhibition 04.07.2023 19:00 
Screening with more works by MA studens 04.07.2023 21:30 
books 06.07.23 15:00-19:00 


Galerie Huit Arles 
8 rue de la Calade 
13200 Arles 

Ausstellung mit Arbeiten von // exhibition with works by (3-15) 

Britta Baumann, Hamon Nasiri Honorvar, Emma Lydssan, Steven Natusch, Kai Mimietz, Anna Roters 

Screening mit Arbeiten von // Screening with works by (16-32) 

Alejandra Arévalo Martínez, Fiona Mentzel & Milena Schilling, Florian Jäger, Lisa Hummel, Magnus Terhorst, Simon Gerlinger, Vera Loitzsch, Youngsuk Noh 

Kuratorisches Team / Curatorial team: 
Felix Schmale, Katja Aßfalg, Carmen Körner, Prof. Dirk Gebhardt 

Projektleitung / project lead: Prof. Dr. Marcel René Marburger