re:vue - Festival Voies Off 2019

re:vue - Festival Voies Off 2019

22 students of MA Photographic Studies at the University of Applied Sciences Dortmund will be showing their photographic and multimedia works at the Festival Voies Off 2019 as part of the Rencontres de la Photographie d'Arles from 1 to 6 July. In an exhibition, in screenings and in talks, it deals with the major social issues of our time: artificial intelligence, environmental disasters, social ills and migration, but also about the individual confrontation with identity and self-perception, interpersonal and love.

The exchange about photography is at the center of the daily photo / dialogue: what does photography mean today, how can it open new discourses and thereby make a difference?

re: vue :: Exhibition l'atelier cinq, Locaux du PCF, Place Voltaire daily 10:00 - 20:00

Re: vue - Screenings & Photo / Dialogues Garage, 27 Rue Michelet, Place Voltaire daily 10:00 - 20:00 / Photo / Dialogues 17.30 - 18.30

Opening: 30.06.2019 at 18:00 - 22:00 l'atelier cinq, Locaux du PCF, Place Voltaire