Istanbul Gedik University

Istanbul Gedik University: New partner university in Turkey

We are pleased to announce that the Department of Design has entered into a new partnership within the framework of the Erasmus + program with İstanbul Gedik University (Turkey). İstanbul Gedik University was named after Halil Kaya Gedik, an internationally known welding engineer, and founded in 2010. It is now a broad-based private university where students in 6 faculties find their place. In the Faculty of Arts and Architecture (in the Kartal district) over 700 students study the courses “Visual Communication Design” and “Interior Architecture and Environmental Design”.
„The purpose of our department is to introduce its students in national and international public institutions, in the sector; Media and TV, Advertising-graphic design, digital design and media, animation and character design, web design, Desktop Publishing and Typography, Game environment and design, Generative Art, Multimedia design, virtual reality, algorithms and artificial intelligence, interactive media design“ (Quote from…)
A language certificate of at least B1 English is required. Applications for semesters abroad are possible from the winter semester 2022/23. The application deadline is March 1, 2022.