მეგობრობა - Friendship - Cover



Heaven 42 150g, Pergraphica Natural Smooth 100g, Calibri Black 250g

მეგობრობა – Friendship
Since the beginning of Russia's war of aggression on Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the world of
many people has changed drastically. They leave their homeland in search of acceptance, peace
and protection from repression.

In May 2023, I accompanied young Russians who moved to the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi, to start
a new life. What unites these people is the common sport, BMX riding, the rejection of Putin's
propaganda policy and, above all, their friendship.
Despite the severity of their situation, separated from their families, there is little of this in their
everyday lives. In numerous conversations, hope and confidence for a better free life in Georgia
dominate above all.

Their daily life, between riding BMX and working on construction sites as day laborers, now takes
place in Tbilisi. In a small village called Saskhori, two hours outside the city, they have found a
new home. They live in a small house and have been warmly welcomed by the village community
and receive great support.
Their hospitality and openness towards me was quickly very great. So I was allowed to spend an
intensive time with them in their favorite places in the city, at their home and as part of their
everyday life.

They themselves do not know what the future holds for them. Will they stay in Georgia for a long
time or will they return to Russia? And if so, what awaits them there?

Photos by Alex Böcker, 2023, Tbilisi Georgia
All rights reserved.
Design by studio ipsum Ellen Schulte and Kim Janke
with Alex Böcker