Felix Koltermann

Felix Koltermann - Photojournalism in the age of post-facticity

20.11.2019 at 18:00 at the f2 Fotofestival Dortmund Lecture by Felix Koltermann, FH Hannover Photojournalism in the age of post-facticity In a rapidly changing media landscape, the question of which information is relevant and which credible, and by whom it is disseminated, is playing an increasingly important role. This also applies to classic print and online journalism as well as the photographic reporting there. Public debates led by populist groups and governments revolve around concepts such as fake news and alternative facts. Some scholars and commentators are going so far as to speak of an age of post-facticity. In this context, journalism is asked how it reacts. In addition, photojournalism is debating what is the role of photographic reporting in the 21st century and what adequate forms of presentation and reporting can be. In front of this panorama, the lecture aims to explore the question of what role photojournalism plays in a democratic society in the 21st century and to set out some theses on the medium's responsibility to right-wing populist currents and their worldviews.