kiU Salon mit Pascal Niggenkemper

kiU Salon mit Pascal Niggenkemper

10.10.2019: 18.00-21.00
Dortmunder U, 1 floor // Moderation: Marcel René Marburger & Harald Opel

The German-French bassist and composer Pascal Niggenkemper bassist has been described by the magazine New York City Jazz Records as "one of the most adventurous double bass players of the current music scene. Often he creates his music aleatorically between improvised and contemporary music with a language of his own.

The extension of the sound horizon of the double bass is a central theme in his solo project "look with thine ears": the acoustic alienation of the sound by means of preparations as well as working with motors. In it he sounds u.a. the interaction between man and machine.

The Medienlabor kiU regularly invites guests from the fields of art, music, theater, film, philosophy and media studies to the Dortmunder U to discuss the present and the future of the audiovisual arts with bread and wine and in the format of a dialogic salon.