Maximilian Mann


Awards and mentions

2019 Scho­el­ler Photo Award 2019 (winner), Deutschland
2019 BFF Förderpreis (award winner), Deutschland
2019 W. Eugene Smith Student Grant (nominated), USA
2019 Voies OFF- Award (nominated), Frankreich
2019 Kolga Award, best single picture (shortlisted), Georgien
2019 selected for New York Times Portfolio Reviews, USA
2018 2019 Kolga Award, best single picture (shortlisted), Georgien
2018 selec­ted for Canon Mas­ter­class, Visa pour l’image, Per­pi­gnan, Frankreich
2017 Felix Scho­el­ler Photo Award 2017, Best Emer­ging Pho­to­gra­pher (nominated), Deutschland
2017 Kolga Award 2017, New­co­mer Award (finalist), Georgien 
2017 LuganoPhotoDays, mobile contest (nominated), Schweiz

screenings and exhibitions (selected):

2019 “Les rencontres de la photographie”, screening, Marrakech, Marokko
2019 "Winners & Nominees - Felix Schoeller Award" Kulturgeschichtlichen Museum Osnabrück, Germany
2019  "Der neue BFF Förderpreis, group exhibition, Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe, Deutschland
2019  "DOCKS-encounters”, group exhibition, Künstlerhaus Dortmund, Deutschland
2019  "wandering home“, group exhibition with Goethe Institut Amman, Jordanien
2019  "Fading Flamignos”, screening, Rencontres d’Arles, Frankreich
2019  "identity courage love”, group Exhibition, Düsseldorf Photoweekend, Deutschland
2019  "re:vue", l’atelier cinq, Arles, Frankreich
2019 „Two cities Project“, group exhibition, Tehran, Iran
2019 “Der neue BFF Förderpreis”, group exhibition, Umweltfotofestival Horizonte Zingst, Deutschland
2016  "Odessa/Batumi International Photo Festival", Museum of Modern Art Batumi, Georgien